Snow White Bridal Bouquet
Step into a world of pure elegance with our Snow White Bridal Bouquet.
This exquisite bouquet features delicate white roses, lush pennygum, graceful millionstar, and ethereal white lisianthus. Each bloom is meticulously arranged to create a vision of beauty, evoking a sense of enchantment and romance.
As you walk down the aisle, let this captivating bouquet be a reflection of your pure love and the beginning of your happily ever after.
We are situated at 24 Fourie Street, Brackenfell Cape Town. We deliver flowers to all areas in the northern suburb, Cape Town, Paarl and Stellenbosch. A local florist that aims to provide our customers with the best quality flowers and same-day delivery.
Generally, fresh flower bouquets can last up to 14 days and even longer in some cases, with proper care.
The longevity of fresh flower bouquets depends on various factors such as the type of flowers, how they are cared for, and the environmental conditions they are kept in. Factors that affect their longevity include temperature, humidity and exposure to direct sunlight. To prolong the life of your bouquet, follow proper care instructions like changing the water regularly, trimming the stems, and keeping the flowers in a cool, shaded spot.
When selecting a fresh flower bouquet as a gift, consider the recipient's personal taste, preferences, and any potential allergies they might have. Opt for flowers with a colour scheme that reflects the recipient's personality or matches the occasion, such as soft pastels for a baby shower or bold, vibrant hues for a birthday celebration. If you're unsure of their favourite flowers or colours, you can't go wrong with classic choices like roses, lilies, or mixed bouquets featuring a variety of blooms. Additionally, consider the symbolism of different flowers, as some may hold specific meanings that add a thoughtful touch to your gift.